Who are the main actors involved in the capital market?

👍Who are the main actors involved in the capital market?

⏏️ Capital Market Authority:
This is a government body that has regulatory authority over capital markets; It operates to provide protection to investors, create an enabling environment that encourages long-term investments, and maintain a fair, efficient, transparent, reliable and inclusive capital market ecosystem.

▶️ Securities Issuers:-
These include companies and government offering shares/debentures for sale.

Any person/entity that buys, sells or holds securities in legal manner with the expectation of financial return.

▶️ Securities Exchange:
A place which provides a market to sell, purchase or exchange securities regularly. (Ethiopian securities exchange/ESX has been established)

▶️ Securities Depository and clearing company:- legal entity that offers securities depository, clearing and settlement, and other related services.

▶️ Capital market service provider: –
A person engaged in regulated capital market operations; In total, fifteen (15) types of service providers will be licensed and regulated by the authority.

▶️ Eligible counterparties who have entered into eligible contracts: – Derivative contract, repo contract or any other transactions that the authority determines as an eligible contract by directive.

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